The modern market is developing rapidly, a huge amount of advertising bombarding the consumer every day with television screens, the pages of newspapers and magazines, falling on him from the radio, waiting for him at every step on the city streets. Let’s talk about 7 tips to get the word out about private spaces.

Setting goals and objectives, identifying the target audience

Like any other marketing action, the development of a special event should begin with the setting of goals and objectives. To whom and what message are you going to broadcast with your event? What effect are you expecting your guests to have? What should they take out of your event? You have to think about it in any case, whether you are doing a modest presentation of a new product for your partners or a big party for the entire city. The answer to these questions will determine the format of the event as a whole and the individual nuances of the program. 

Time and place

Two parameters that should be taken into consideration, partly they will be set by the objectives and the audience. Partly – the conditions of the environment, the wrong time will not allow your target audience to visit your event, the wrong place – can scare away the target audience and attract people you do not want. 

Content. Scenario. Spectacle

And only having defined the first two parameters, you can start planning the content of the event (in professional slang – content). Content has to correspond to audience, place, time and informational content. Every detail, whether it is decoration of the venue or performance of artists, should be competently integrated into the concept of the event and work on the holistic idea of the event. The script should not be delayed. Advertising, entertainment and entertaining moments should be organically combined in it. 

Informational support for the event

Of course, your audience should know about the event in advance. Depending on the format and scale of the event and the characteristics of the audience for local events is sufficient from a month to two weeks. 


The very name of the format suggests that in this case we have a clear and not invented information reason: the opening of something. Opening with noise and pomp can be anything from a new boutique to a new factory. Of course, the noise and the pomp will be of a different nature and scale. 


Generally, these are closed events, though there are exceptions. Product presentation: an event that is 80% devoted to the product itself. Therefore, most of the time should be devoted to it. 


All the exhibition events can be divided into two kinds: rare – when you organize an exhibition exclusively devoted to your company and its product, and common – when you participate in some industry exhibition. In both cases, you need to consider that the main focus of this event is product demonstration.